My noctornal activity of sleeping at 5am during the holidays is really starting to get to me now..today I was cursing myself in class cos i was soo sleepy and the lecturer was lecturing in a language barely resembles ENGLISH it was more to TAMIL for all I care. Still, I just dont understand how MMU can employ such lecturers, can't even speak proper English.
Will post anotha message soon.....
Lazing Around...
These days I have been either busy with SPARC work of just plain waiting for TV Series to finish downloading on shareaza
Either I'd be running around Melaka for SPARC or harmlessly sleeping in muh wonderful bed undisturbed.
Sigh I dread the start of this coming semester...huhuh there are still tons of things to do with Miss MMU less than 1 month away and all..that is why I am getting all the sleep I can get whilst there is not that much work to do! :p So you people who condemn me cos I sleep too much, in reality you are just plain jealous that I have the time to actually sleep! hehe yippee a few more days onlee till I am gonna be in KL..i finally get to enjoy muh holidays with friends~! usually its just with mom, dad and my bro...boring lar! always go to da same place..huhuhu
Polar Express
Insomiac's gone maniac...
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:If you can dream--and not make dreams your master,
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!
--Rudyard Kipling
Burn’s and Sharm’s Rescue Mission
It was 10.30am and it was a humid Tuesday morning as usual Burn was still sleeping. He was woken up by Sharm another fellow rescuer asking for assistance with a problem she had ; one of the International Students who happen to be her friend, had managed to lock himself inside his room.
One for the Accounting Students~!
Balance Sheet of Life:
Our Birth is our Opening Balance
Our Death is our Closing Balance
Our Prejudiced Views are our Liabilities
Our Creative Ideas are our Assets
Heart is our Current Asset
Soul is our Fixed Asset
Brain is our Fixed Deposit
Thinking is our Current Account
Achievements are our Capital
Character & Morals, our Stock-in-Trade
Friends are our General Reserves
Values & Behaviour are our Goodwill
Patience is our Interest Earned
Love is our Dividend
Children are our Bonus Issues
Education is Brands / Patents
Knowledge is our Investment
Experience is our Premium Account
The Aim:
Reduce liabilities to zero at the end of the day.
Keep the current account active and alive.
Increase the value of the fixed deposit
by transferring funds from the current account.
Increase the value of the current assets every day.
Distribute the dividend with open hands
Damn I find this so funny~!!!
These are from a book called Disorder in the
American Courts, and are things
people actually said in court, word for word,
down and now published by
court reporters who had the torment of staying
calm while these exchanges were
actually taking place.
Q: Are you sexually active?
A: No, I just lie there.
Q: What is your date of birth?
A: July 15th.
Q: What year?
A: Every year.
Q: What gear were you in at the moment of the
A: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
Q: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your
memory at all?
A: Yes.
Q: And in what ways does it affect your
A: I forget.
Q: You forget? Can you give us an example of
something that you've forgotten?
Q: How old is your son, the one living with you?
A: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember
Q: How long has he lived with you?
A: Forty-five years.
Q: What was the first thing your husband said
you when he woke up that morning?
A: He said, "Where am I, Cathy?"
Q: And why did that upset you?
A: My name is Susan.
Q: Do you know if your daughter has ever been
involved in voodoo or the occult?
A: We both do.
Q: Voodoo?
A: We do.
Q: You do?
A: Yes, voodoo.
Q: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person
in his sleep, he
doesn't know about it until the next morning?
A: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
Q: The youngest son, the twenty-year-old, how
is he?
Q: Were you present when your picture was
Q: So the date of conception (of the baby) was
August 8th?
A: Yes.
Q: And what were you doing at that time?
Q: She had three children, right?
A: Yes.
Q: How many were boys?
A: None.
Q: Were there any girls?
Q: How was your first marriage terminated?
A: By death.
Q: And by whose death was it terminated?
Q: Can you describe the individual?
A: He was about medium height and had a
Q: Was this a male, or a female?
Q: Is your appearance here this morning
to a deposition notice
which I sent to your attorney?
A: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
Q: Doctor, how many autopsies have you
performed on dead people?
A: All my autopsies are performed on dead
Q: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK?
school did you go to?
A: Oral.
Q: Do you recall the time that you examined the
A: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
Q: And Mr. Dennington was dead at the time?
A: No, he was sitting on the table wondering
why I
was doing an autopsy
Q: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy,
you check for a pulse?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for breathing?
A: No.
Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was
when you began the autopsy?
A: No.
Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in
Q: But could the patient have still been alive,
A: Yes, it is possible that he could have been
and practicing law somewhere.

Again people eating defler go and take muh picture. Having dinner at O'Jardim (Portuguese food)
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Me on da stairs of Coconut House..nice ler the place, first time going there. I've been living in Melaka for so long dunno about this place, a friend from KL, Ravin showed me..so kesian..
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Ma self and buddy Alex~! I think this pciture was taken after we all high dee, I had Tiramisu and Alex had Coconut Ice Cream or something along those lines..:D
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Muahahaha we all like jakuns/tourists, taking pictures in Coconut House, Jonker Walk, Melaka~! :D
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Da connection all to muh-self~!!
Stomach Report: Fairly Full
Current Song listening to: Natasha Beddingfield – These Words
Waiting for: The Incredibles to download, just previewed it, not soo clear copy..so so onliee
Yeah be that as it may, I don’t know what else to download~! :D I waiting for The Incredibles to download using Shareaza.
The day before yesterday, Alex and I were going around Melaka looking for Pet Shops ; Alex wanted a bunny rabbit. Went around like 4 Pet Shops and found 4 rabbits onliee..hehe
Will post pictures soon of our rabbits: Thumper (the rabbit from da movie Bambi) and Bunny (cos its a bunny wabbit~! )! :D
Damn I need to get in shape…tomorrow’s possible plans:
Morning: Sleep
Afternoon: Still asleep
Late Afternoon: Clean da house!
Evening: Swimming~!! Yeaaahhhhhh!!* I hope the pool is gonna be clean and hopefully empty*
Evening: Afta swimming have dinner, I want Nasi Lemak…mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Yahhoo!! Finals are finally over~!!
Talking about exams, during my Marketing and E-Commerce exam, which was soooo bored and my fingers were sorta numb after all the writing, then realised that what I wrote was crap, erased it, wrote a different, found out that I liked my first answer better, erased it again and trying to recall my first answer, a Chinese dude kena caught cheating! Huhuh it was fun!! For me it was ler..not for defler kena tangkap, you know ler
Dah ler the Chief Invigilator aka C.Invi, was an Iranian and was edgy like hell, lookin for a chance to f**k someone up, and boy did he get his chance, he glared at defler when the other invi told him that he was cheating by bringing in little pieces of paper with notes written on it, by this time the Chinese fellar was brought to one of the empty front desks.
I also had a mixed emotion moment ; I felt sorry for the bugger(cos he will get suspended for 1 whole academic year, all his other subjects this semester failed, and financial loans will be cancelled), I was laughing ma ass off (cos it was only 15 minutes through the examination and defler was made to stay till the end of the exam doin absolutely NAATTHHIINNGGG), after trying to stifle my laughter which made a few other Invi turn around to look at me…I felt sorry again for him.
It was like watching a CSI episode, only thing different that it was LIVE~! :D They took out a Sony Cybershot, took pictures of the notes that were brought in by defler, called for higher authority to come and made him sign a few papers. Then the higher authority came, small lady, came with a big brown envelope. She took defler’s ID, Exam paper, took the cheating notes, checked the Sony to see that the cheating notes pictures were taken properly, turned the digi cam off, took out the memory stick and took the paper defler was signing and put it all in the big envelope she carried in. WHOOOAAAA~!! I was flabbergasted!!!! I had to physically close ma mouth cos I was in such shock.. Are these really MMU LECTURERS? The ones that we can hardly understand with their extremely broken English?? It was as if the whole thing was staged, I wasted like 20minutes just enjoying this little episode of CSI: Multimedia University Season 1 Episode 1.
Damn that was an interesting exam!! Hehehe I’d never thought I would say that ever in my life…

mouse deer...soo comel! hehe i want one...but it looks too much like a mouse ler...more like an overgrown RAT..i dont want!!
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sooo dirty ler defler!!! someone needs to hose him down and kalau boleh scrub with some washing powder or something.....stinks sial!!!
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We wanted to take a picture of the tiger taking a dump hahahaha but tak sempat dee! hehehehe
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This fellar looks like an icing on a cake...heehehe :D like a marble cake liddat...hehehe
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Alex(the one looking at the camera)...was the only one paying attention hehehe..me and shakir...errmm dunno what shakir was looking at..But i was still engrossed with the giraffes hehehe
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fuiyooo someone POSING!!! hehehehe..we all busy tengok da giraffes ..they all nicely posing...not soo tall ler the giraffes...i thought taller....
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It was ssoooooo hot ler!!! and I was a little dissapointed cos the animals were sooo dirty! atleast hose them down a little lar...we didnt get to see the lions...cos they were renovating the lion's display....
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eheheh I look soo stoopeed in this picture..I was well a little scared...ok lar!!! i was really scared..the talons on this thing were HUGE!!!! hehehehe
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Raya ooooohhh Raya!!
Man this year raya was soooo tiring and not to mention the HOT AS weather. I was literally praying for rain and when it actually rained, DAMN MAN!! Even I can piss more... soo little rain came down and it became even HOTTER! shhhyyyyttt..summore people in Baju Melayu with Sampin summore...sigh sigh..terrrible lar. The food was great, had like tons of people who came, most of them I know, actually half of them I dont know..hehe..duit raya side of things...ssshhhhh...not telling... :D
I dont remember the first day of raya was this hectic..oooohh yeah Justin, my classmate came to ma house, he couldnt stay long cos of his grandma was admitted into hospital..I asked him to come in for a drink osso defler dont want...sigh..nebber mind ler..he gave me a cookie jar full of choc eclairs..nice fellar hehe :P
After that Ash, Joey and Sharm came!! YYYAAAAAYYY finally some people that I can actually talk some sense into hehee..I made them eat and eat and eat...got Sambal Udang, with nice big prawns, Kuah Satay Ayam, Kuah Satay Lembu and Rendang Daging. Joey ar....fuiiiyyyooo reSPECT jah!!! this gurl can EAT!! eating and eating da cookies and the food..whoa i was smiling just watching her eat was entertaining hahaha..
oooh yeah ... suddenly while these people eating, got ler people kacau!! grrrr the relatives that I dont like ...THE EXTREMISTS MUSLIM side of ma family...why ler they even bother coming..usually they wont come one...nvm ler I warned Ash, Sharm and Joey abt them, just to ignore them..Joey pulak being a friendly person that she is wanted to shake hands with one of the male relative..whoa...he straight away pulled his hand away...I was like WTF??? cannot salam, just smile ler...only...this one dont wanna smile ossso...religious or not religious lar...its just bloody common courtesy...ok ok enuff of kutuking hhehe
Before all this, we were welcoming Ash, Sharm and Joey tp da house, my lil cousin asked me,
Asyraff: Abg Bakar, kena salam ke?
Me: Tak payah, shake hands aje, sebab bukan Islam, satu Cine, due
Asyraff: *After years and years of just auto-salam asked me*..hrmmm Abg Bakar, "shake hands" tu macam maner?
Haiyo sooo farneee!! yay yay finally tomorrow me going Beraya...my turn!! you all stay at home..I stayed at home for da 1st day of raya...heheh yay going to PEE DEEE aka P.D/Port Dickson! :D
Went to Seremban;overslept in the bus...
Why ler all his crazee shyt gotta happen during Puasa Month??? I had to go to Seremban one day, I woke up at 11.30am and got a call from mom,
Mom:"Eh what time u going to Seremban ar?"
Me: "Huh? Where am I going again?"
Mom: "Going SEREMBAN LAR! when are you going???"
Me:"I thot Dad was gonna pick me up and we go to Seremban together?"
Mom: "No No, yu are going to Seremban ALONE...on the bus~!"
Me: "Crap lar ma, its sooo HOT, you expect me to get on the bus?"
Mom: "Yeah....."
Me: *By now already pretty pissed off* "ok ok lar~!!!"
Had to get on the town bus which took 1 hour to get to the bloody bus station and I somehow managed to get on the 1pm bus. I slept lar the whole time on the journey to Seremban. So naturally when the bus stops at the Bus Station, YOU WAKE UP....but guess what? On the way back (on the same day) I slept in the bus again..this time I DID NOT WAKE up at the Melaka Sentral Bus Station!! When i ACTUALLY woke up, I was like no where near the Bus Station...I got up and gave the bus driver quite a shock as NO ONE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE BUS at the time cos everyone was supposed to get off at the bus station...there were some Banglas sitting behind me during the journey, not one of them woke me UP!! STOOOPPEEEEDD Banglas!!!!!
I managed to get a taxi to the bus stop after the f*cking bus driver let me off the bus, and to my suprise, the taxi driver DIDNT CHARGE me a single cent cos I was rambling abt how the bus driver didnt wake me up and it was already 9pm(yeah you guessed it.. I was on the move since 11.30am!!) Reaching the bus stop, my friend picked me up (according to plans, we were supposed to go to the movies, supposed to watch TAXI or something) and we carried on with our plan: watch movie.
SOOO Embarrassing, my friend could HARDLY drive cos he was laughin his ass off afta I told him that I overslept in the bus and missed the bus station...damn lar...after that I became "blur burn" for da week..
Thrashed rented car...
We were thrashing the rented car cos we were so short on time, so I drove like mad and also wanted Ravin to be quiet so I drove with my ninpou-Kurang Ajar Driving skill no-jutsu, taught to me by one of the Three Legendary Kiasus, Paranthaman-sama~!!
(ok enough tokking cok) Only to be used under certain circumstances, so what the hell and I was sorta bored too..after not sleeping for nearly 25 hours, I was suddenly wide awake and happen to be bored. Driving like a madman was soo not worth it as the Datuk Pervert Gan Boon Leong didnt even give so much of a hint that the was interested in what he had to say. On the way back Ravin HAD TO BUY Prawn Mee and damn the bastard the Mee was sooo intoxicating. I dunno how much ajinomoto they used inside the mee, I DONT CARE, it smelt really goooood..
Something to blog about...
*Note: I might not be able to type anything else cos the chances of Joey snapping all my fingers are pretty high after this blog entry is published.*
On one fine day(usually...hot and sweaty).. myself, Ravin and SPARC's secret weapon AH-MOI aka Joey, were out prowling the streets of Melaka in searching for sponsorship for Miss MMU. SPARC lets her loose when SPARC are in need of serious sponsors..beware, if you happen to stumble upon this secret weapon of us, a smile would suffice... *Events recorded are in chronological order*
We were off to Datuk Wira Gan Boon Leong's office, former Mr Asia and also bodybuilder fellar who is very old and errmmm lets just say "Switched On" hehe..
As we entered Datuk Gan Boon Leong's office of operations, a sense of ...dunno lar...see ler:
Ravin: Joey go in first...
Joey: Dont want ler...you go in first...Burn you go...
Burn: NO Joey, you go..you're a girl...
Joey: SO??...
Burn: So go ler..the room is full of guys...and not to mention that old wrinkly fellar...ooooppps thats the Datuk ar?...yeah thats him....
Ravin: No lar....thats not the datuk..he is a bodybuilder lar..*looks at sign in front of the old wrinkly fellar.."Datuk Gan Boon Leong"...* ehh its him ler...*somewhat disappointed*
Burn: hehehehehe
Joey: Eh be quiet ler....
*Enters the office....Like orang bodoh, we asked "Errmm..excuse me, can we see Datuk Wira Gan Boon Leong please"...defler rite in front there summore got name sign lagi..
Though out the whole session, we found out that he was a man of few words...didnt say much except for the few "And then?....then...and then?"..He wasnt talking to me or ravin, his sole attention was on our Secret Weapon, Joey....and *whispers*Joey's boobies*whispers*
Finally the golden question: "How much money you all want?"
Ravin: *Smiling* errrmm we are hoping for around RM10,000 lar..
Datuk pervert...i mean Datuk Wira SUDDENLY Sprang to life~! : "Whoa....cannot..I am not a business man..."
Ravin: No lar...any amount you want to give, we will accept lar..*still smilling*
*Gave him Miss MMU 2004 photo album, which for politeness sake, he flipped through for 5 secs and his attention was *whamm* back to Joey...
After the conversation we had with the seemingly interested Datuk...(i wonder why....)
We headed back to the car...hehe. :
Joey: Whoa...he is sooo scary...*I have never seen Joey aka Secret Weapon scared before*
Ravin: Why lar?
Joey: He looks sooo scary lar..the way he talks also....never smile also
Burn: Yeah...he was scared all rite..hehehe..Joey ar...he was looking at ur boobies ler...dont tell me you didnt realise?? Thats why he was listening to us....
Joey: Eh~!!! I am GOOD AT CONVINCING PEOPLE okay??? please lar..
Burn: *While Driving* - auto snapped a reply:..aha..yeah..whateva..turns to Ravin, eh where you wanted to tapau lunch ar?
Joey:*WWWHAACCCKK burn's Shoulder*...eh where got!!!
Ravin: *In fits of laughter, wanting a high 5 hehehe*
Burn: DIDN't you see the SIGNS?? All around his office, there are pictures of the wrinkled old fellar carrying one girl in each arm hahaha...believe me those girls aren't his daugthers or not they wont be smilling like they were!! and then...ONLY ONE picture o fhim with his wife..hehehe
Joey: Eh shaddap lar....*whispers*bastard*whispers*
Then Ravin HAD TO BUY Prawn Mee..and intoxicated the whole car with its WONDERFUL SMELL..BASTARD...PEOPLE PUASA!! hehehe just joking.. :p
Sigh...it was damn farnee ler...you just HAD to be there eheheh
Becoming a Nocturnal Creature....
The movie on the other hand wasnt too bad..I wouldnt mind going again to the cinema again to watch it though...*need to change sleeping habit soon!!!* or not I'd be sleepy all through RAYA~! and only be awake when no one visiting... and I can't have that....
I just finished my sahur...had Mutton Dalcha with Rice and vegie...mmmmm..just what I needed..
Shankar from Cyber campus is here...sebok only..hehe no ler just kidding...
Excellent Buka Puasa~!!

It is 5.38am....I have class at 10am and I am still not asleep...I THINK i can wake up at 9.45 am or something to get ready for da class...wanted to post something but decided to add a picture to it too so edited it a lil....
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Charity Drive....SPARC
I thought that setting the booth up was tiring...manning the bloody thing was even WORSE..everyday we had to wake up soo early just to set the thing up and pack the booth up again and then it didnt help by being bloody humid and hot and guess what? we had to repeat that like 2 more times and when the thing was over...god was i glad...
oooh the slave drive was good..or atleast it was FOR ME...you know why? cos I did not get sold! Hah I didnt have to go through all that embarassement if no one wanted to buy me hahahaha..for the others that were up for auction..well too bad suckers!!!
Miss MMU Preliminary Round - SPARC
A new beginning..
Finally in da same class as Ba, Lydia and Suzanna and the whole Alpha gang again...yiippeeeee...oooh yes another thing, my car...you know the one i was sooo excited about, is soo not gonna happen anymore, and I'll tell you why.
At midnight one day, Ash and Shakir and I wanted to eat somewhere lar...sort of bored with Bkt Beruang lar by this time, so we happily decided to take ma crappy-rusted car to Jikis lar..thinking that the stupid thing will get us there, whaddaya know, not even outside Bkt Beruang, it started to "sing", sing as in it gave out this sound as if it was being hammered by a HUGE HAMMER..seriously and by that time i was scared shitless and so were Ash and Shakir hahaha then we decided to just get the fuck outta the car, park it back where it was parked and just go to Cahaya Dinar and eat..oooh no..the car didnt wanna go back being parked at its usual place, it decided to just pop its front left tyre out right in the middle of the road! oooh crap..sparks where flying everywhere!! Ash was scared...I was scared..Shakir was..hrmm LAUGHING..haha idiot!!
Suddenly I was panicking.. "oooh shit!! wht the f**k am I gonna tell ma dad??"...after I was calmed down from my near heart attack experience by Ash and Shakir...I somehow left the car in the middle of the road..oooh did I say road? I meant MAIN ROAD and called dad the next day with my fully loaded bullshit story which THANK GOD he bought!!!
Creepy week...
whoa...I am alone in da house and I never thought it'll be this freaky..so my new scheme to get thru this is NOT to sleep during the night till early morning probably around 6am or so and then when there is LIGHT I will sleep hehehe..jsut reformatted ma pc and its NEKKID...nathing inside..soo dull...so I have started the downloading of da songs ritual...and other software lar...*sigh*..PC was giving soo much problem just had to reformat it...Why lar i itchy sangat to volunteer to do da interviews for SPARC? huhuhu..but none the less, I get to have the whole StreamyX to maself hahaha..
I cooked ma supper just now...and it turned out not bad..jsut fried some fries and some sausages...and guess what? couldnt finish it..cos it was too much..just put it in da fridge, later in da morning will see whether I have an appetite for cold fries....
Today mom and dad came and we went to Mahkota Parade for Merdeka Lunch haha..it was okay..Dad wanted to go to Sushi King..i was like...hrmmmm..no comments...but it turned out okay..I had something COOKED nathing raw for me thanks...I had this pan fried dory or sumthing lar..and mum had some tori chicken something Dad had tempura set...not bad lar...the family next to us was piling up on the sushi..how lar they can actually telan/swallow that raw stuff?? and they weren't just piling up on da cheap stuff, there were tons of expensive stuff too, RM4 per-plate also got.....then me and dad had our ritual kutuking session of the Malay-PUNK-wannabes.
Dad: What are they trying to prove? Dont they get any attention enough being idiots on motorbikes that scream thru the streets that they have to dress up like idiots and piercing every single available part of their body??
Me: Hrmm..yeah I suppose so..their parents probably didnt or just DONT pay them any attention..wasting time and space....hair half green, half red, socks up to the knees and not forgetting the ever so fashionable suspenders...are we supposed to be scared of them? They make me wanna laugh more like it..punks..HAH..more like clowns..hehe..The London Circus recruitment team should come here if they are short-handed for their FREAKs Display..
Mom: Yeah terrible... ---> mom doesnt say much...
After that little after-meal kutuk session, dad needed some envelopes( he doenst trust emails YET ) at Thai Kuang. Another incident took place, the lady attending the cashier had this really lousy attitude and gave what I call a muka "tahi" as in there is something bad smelling under her nose...ok getting back to da topic...lining up to pay for the envelopes while persuading dad to send more emails instead, there was a lady with her 3 kids, they had atleast bought about RM50+ worth of stuff and then their plastic bag tore apart and then lady asked the muka "tahi" cashier whether she can have another plastic bag and VERY rudely the cashier gave a hand signal to say "NO" and practically shooing the lady with 3 kids away...POOOOFFF the lady screamed at the cashier, "ONE PLASTIC BAG ALSO you cannot give??? After I spent Sooo MUCH?!!!"..she caught me by suprise that i dropped da envelopes and then as if on queue, DAD threw the envelope at the cashier and said "Terrible, ONE LOUSY PLASTIC BAG also you cant give?? There you can KEEP your bloody envelopes. Bakar come lets go!" At that moment then I realised that he wasnt listening to me ranting on about sending more emails..*sigh* instead he was watching the cashier being rude...
My mom wasnt there to experience this..cos she was checking out Channel perfumes..instead she got the whole rerun of the little episode all da way home in the car...how fun...
Finals are finally over.....
oooh yeah Subash made a new record, he didnt step into the library for nearly ONE WEEK!!
I also made a new record: I was in the library nearly everyday for the past one week! ahahaha..dunno lar..whether it will actually have an impact on my grades or not... :p
I cant be bothered about the results.. If I pass I pass, if I dont I dont...dunno lar...sad isnt it, until it has to come to this level...
ooooh another life turning event that I cant wait to happen, MY CAR~! yippeee finally my car is on da way~!
Olympics Athens 2004.....
OK time to embarass a few people hehe..here goes...
BUt the ones that were clearly DRUNK was Paran and Kishore~! muahahahaha..my goodness they are natural clowns when they are drunk and who else but to egg them on, ASHWIN hehehe he was actually under control while Sujay was just enjoying da show hahaha...
Subash was asleep and Shankar was trying to go to sleep hahaha...
Words of wisdom from a drunkard:
"Burn~!!!! Anyone who kurang ajar with you, I will help you!! Because you are my FRIEND macha~!!! dont worry i will be there~!!!" - Kishore Nair, 7am, 8th of August 2004, state of mind=DRUNK.
after those "reassuring" words of wisdom from KISHORE NAIR hahaha, the china man next door aka neighbour was complaining about why we threw an empty coke can in front of his house..which at that time, those inspiring words actually came into effect~!!! Kishore started swearing!!! hahaha and wanted to whack the neighbour up cos apparently he was disrespecting ME and Subash hahaha ..but we managed to console him to be quiet and sit down rather than making a fool for himself...hehe he had a pretty good case though:
'Macha~!! Listen macha!!! We were drinking from BOTTLES where got CANS??????" hahaha which made us thinking hehe and it was actually TRUE hehehe and we started banging the neighbour too hehehe...
but then.,..luckily we didnt go and confront him cos later that day, Paran owned up, "Macha actually I threw the coke can there" hahahahaha
Kishore was totally out of it and started to talk about LOVE and what is the best way to go about chasing girls...hahahaha
A Clubbing experience to remember~!!!
I had quite a lot of fun actually clubbing with ma hsemates~!! hehe Ash and Joey and Ravin and Shakir and Ravin and Jeff....
Imagine all of us cramped in a Kancil...sooo small!!! We were basically wondering around Melaka Raya after bein' in a state of shock because of watching IC Talent Gala 2004~! haha damn it was funny...the good type of funny and the BAD kind of funny....hahahaha no offence to all ICS members/commitee...hehehe I will stop here as i am tempted in elaborating the 2 kinds of funny hehehehe...but I am not that mean..so i will shaddap....hehe
Damn...the clubs were packed...ddduuuhh Saturday Night and somehow Pure Bar smelt like piss...which was sorta questioning how the state of the bathroom would be....
We went to ALOHA and foudn out they were playing fengtau music...ting ting ting teng tong tong ...HOOO HAAAH~! hahaa so no thanks...and then we moved on to the next possible venue...
Trip to KLIA~!!
I offered to drive my classmate to KLIA to pick up her BF who flew down from CAIRO...she was pretty nervous actually when we reached the airport, "Burn I am soo nervous yar, I dont know what to do yar....havent seen him for such a long time yar...what shall I do? Shall I eat?? no no I shouldnt eat, well I might get hungry!!" I had to listen to that for nearly 1 hour while waiting for the BF to clear Customs....
It was getting irritating upto a point but when the bugger actually came out, haha I didnt even hear a PEEP from her...in the somewhat awkward 2 hour+ drive back to Melaka..haha..damn..and I ws pushing the poor Kancil for all it was worth...really slamming down on the accelarator padle....
*sigh*..i was damn tired after that...oooh yeah had a SPARC meeting as soon as I got back..haha
Remembering OLD TIMES!!
We were all watching the movie around 2-3am...Subash "fell asleep" already haha...anyway..whilst watching the movie, there is one part that there was a little girl's laughter..hehe...NB: I didnt tell these two idiots that this movie is fictional. hahaha on with da setoree..Suddenly Paran and Shankar froze~!! hahaha :
Paran: Macha~!! What the hell was that??...macha what WAS that??
Shankar: YEAH DEI`!! What the f*ck was THAT????
Burn: *giggling* ehehe...it was a GURL whey laughing~!!
Paran: Shankar~!! Go and rewind~! I wanna hear again~!!
Shankar: DONT WNT DEI~!! I dont wanna go near the fucking PC!!
ahha good old times~!1
Mdm Kavitha: Have I seen you somewhere? You look soo familiar??
Burn: *whispers* oh crap*whispers*
Mdm Kavitha: Excuse me??!
Burn: I mean..I was in ur PEN0035 English class in 2002......*phew*
Mdm Kavitha: That's RIGHT~!!....*she let a freakish smile....I let out a lil' shiver..* How can I help you Abu Bakar...
Burn: *thinking" WHAT THE HELL?? after nearly 2 years she still remembered my name????* Well..I need your signature for SPARC b'cos we need the Club Advisor's signature for a website application.
Mdm Kavitha: Why do you need my signature?
Burn: ....because you are the Advisor for SPARC......*thinking to self* what the hell? she doesnt know?*thinking to self*
Mdm Kavitha: OOhhhh! I AM? ...*she seemed flattered* Now where do I sign?
Burn: Just here thank you.*Points to da page*
WHY do i fear Mdm Kavitha?? Well last time I remembered in class, she MENTALLY ripped one of my friends HEAD OFF in front of da whole CLASS...just because his voice sounded a lil muffled....and she thought that he was bein rude~!
The conversation went something like this:
Mdm Kavitha: BOY~!! I don't like your TONE~! You better change it~!! You won't get far in life with THAT kind of attitude~!!! I really DONT LIKE IT!
My friend: *GULP~!*
SPARC oh SPARC....haha
oooh yeah!! for DAYZE!! gonna post up the pic of the proposed MISS MMU poster soon...revised version..haha hope that you'll like it! :p
Had a well deserved 12hr sleep!! heheheh..I had a public holiday in BURN's country. I had to announce to my friends(so that they can sign for me in class!) hahaha...
AShvine came back today and said "hah hah!! someone didnt go to class!" Didnt realise she was talking to moi~! ahaks~!! Somehow she ran into ma friend JUSTIN haha...and he was complainin that I didnt come to class~! hehe
and then...yesterday! i realised that my motorbike tyre had a slow puncture*sssiiiiiggghhhh*...je ne sais pas pourquoi...I was soo careful riding on ma motobike..avoiding bumps, avoidin' nails and holes...damn...but what the hell...
Ooh yeah..SPARC...somehow since I started SPARC, my life seemed to revolved around it..haha..Managed to get a meeting with the GM of Equatorial Hotel for the upcoming HOTTEST EVENT in MMU..ahaha cheap ass promoting! yipppeee~! Once we were there....oooh my goodneess....the director of MISS MMU, Amy, was wearing this HOT/FIRERY little number/outfit/dress and DAMN did she look goooooddd! hahaha Not only that...the GM was soo impressed at how she presented herself!~! GOOD ON YA AMY! hahah there and then he agreed to block the dates for the MISS MMU pageant! and not only that!! he is considerin in giving free rooms too for the participants and HI-COMM to get ready! yipppeee!
Cant wait to see what his reply would be about da free rooms!!
1. Free black bagYou can't get those cool black coloured bags anywhere. The ones soldoutside is too big and they're meant for the tong sampah.
2. Family bondEvery weekend when you go to Summit USJ, you can see little kidsrunning to the VCD shop to select their favourite Pokemon cartoon VCD.And then mommy will come along to find her favourite Teresa Teng VCD.Next, comes big sister selecting her F4 VCD. And lastly, big bro anddaddy searching for the latest movies ... and try to eye for someyou-know-what VCD. Anyway, the whole idea is, the piratedVCD shop is like a place for weekend family reunion. When is thelasttime you see daddy buying Little Billy a VCD in Speedy Video ?
3.Cinema svcksWhen you reach the cinema, you'll have to line up for 15 minutesbefore it's your turn to get the ticket. But then they tell you ticketsudah habis. So, you bought the next show and had to wait for another3 hours. When the time comes, the ticket usher stops you from bringingnasi lemak and cha-kuay-teow into the hall. So, you're forced to lineup another 10 minutes in the snack bar. By then,you're already late for the show. Lampu sudah tutup when you went it.Oooppss ... terjatuh and everyone laugh at you. Next, the cinema boreyou with 15 minutes of iklan. Frankly speaking, I dunno why thegovernment ban 'triple x' VCDs when all the beer commercials in thecinema features 10 sluts dancing around. Later,your handphone rang and everyone booed you. At last, the show ends butyou'll need to beratur through the smelly exit. After 30 mintues, younoticed that your handphone is lost. The only thing good about cinemasis the fact that you can throw kua-chi on the floor.
4. Customer Friendly SellersBuying VCDs from the stall are like dining in a luxury restaurant.First, those blond hair sellers will greet you with 'leng-chai'. It'snow time to order the meal. If you know what to order, they willsearch the title for you. But let's say if you're decided, thesefellas will suggest some meals for you. Strangely, all movies (according to them ) is nice to watch. When you've finished, here comesthe main course. Therectangular box containing all the finest artistic internationalstuff. And you can bargain too ! But when you buy VCDs from SpeedyVideo, the shop assistant will stand few meters away from you, withtheir arms tied and eyes alert, thinking that you're anothershoplifter.
5. Beli barang buatan MalaysiaThe name says it all. No comment.
6. You go to the movies...while watching the most suspense part in a lovemovie....as the guy and girl is about to kiss...all of a sudden the screenbecomes matrix mode. And then it changes to some dull scene. Doesn't thissound familiar? Say thank you to our censorship board for helping usremove the itsy bitsy parts. You never get this when you buy piratedCDs.
7. 6 years ago, piracy was a minority because of the original CDpricing and contents. 3 years ago, they increased original CD prices70% and say it's because of import duties, tax and other crap. Whileat the same time the pirated CD prices drop from 50% - 70%. Customerswould prefer to buy from a sale right?
8. Piracy helps students to learn new programs at a reduced pricecost. If every student is going to spend RM800 just to buy AdobePhotoshop, then Malaysia would lag behind in the computer graphicsindustry. So in a long run, Malaysia's economy status becomes betterwith more knowledgeble citizens. And many people are willing to spendmoney to buy pirated CDs but not that willing to buy original cds. Bybuying the CDs they are circulating the money thus helping the moneyflow around and not stay in the pockets.
I was h!gH..
Spiderman 2....
Then...after discussing abt how terrible the dude was smelling..on da way back to Bkt Beruang he allegedly saw an lady in white waving at him! haha..i thought he was joking until I realised he was cold and sorta genuinely shaken by what he saw!..haha..I dont know how he is gonna sleep tonite!
Talking abt sleep, I'd better doin some of that soon...good night~!
P/s: Good Nite Hitesh, dont let the busuk pakistani man bite! hehehe

oooOOooOOOooOOhhh I like this one! ahaha..had nothing to do..so? loaded Adobe and started fiddling! I reckon it looks grool! (cool+great=grool) *wink*
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SPARC Ice Breaking/BBQ!
The Chicken was grool! (cool+great) haha..but the preparation was not as fun as eating it....oh hell no!! the preparation was messy!! hahah.. We did a real bang-up job in messing up da place..haha I pitied the clean-up crew! hehehe all in all, I thought it was a good turn out and it was smooooooooooooooth!
SPARC AGM Session 2004/05..
Since myself and D@yz3 were in the IT Division, we, like all the other Hi-Comms were looking out for promising victims...errr..i mean members :p who can help us out with a lil Flash, Webpage Designin' or sumthin'...After feeling like Cr@p cos the Talentime/Miss MMU were getting TONS of members to help out, we were getting...4 members! uhuhuh..We were sooo bummed!! anyway atleast I had a lil fun, by kenakan Joey and Ravin with the Powerpoint Presentation..hahah wanna know what I did?? hehe PM me and I'll let u have a look! :p
People were busy handing out free T-Shirts and stuff to da members as well as stickers...dunno what stickers they were ler..but the T-Shirts were given/sponsored (you choose) by KLAN. Pretty nice T-Shirts they were and not to mention free! hehe
Tried playing a few songs but the stupid speakers werent working and the PC, supposedly had Win Xp, so we thought it was pretty good, turned out to be pretty useless..until we restarted it for like 2-3 times! Oh yeah and SPARC had an Attendance List for the Hi-Comm! haha I didnt know that! :p last but not least..the Venue (CLCR0002-A2) was SORTA cold! well freezing more like it...
Well...whilst the committee for Miss MMU/Talentime and other similar "happening" activities (hahah) were getting 60+ members signing up to help out at their events, myself and D@yZ3 had to be content with our 4 members....*sigh*

RM 5 for members and RM8 for NON-Members..and I am part of the FOOD committee so that only MEANS ONE THING....haha the food is gonna be GREAT!!! Venue: Astaka near Field, Melaka Campus. DAte: 7th July @ 7pm onwards...
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Playing with Adobe ver.2.0 was editing a few other pics...and thought what the hell..might as well do another one.. :p
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Anyone know where I can get....
Kazaa Kaputed...
It was as if I had accidentally swallowed a huge panick pill..only because Kill Bill Vol 2 only had like 5MB to finish downloading and after all the hype from the American Movie industry, this movie was a HIT! well..it turned out quite the opposite actually...and also Sex and the City was nearly finished! haha..
So...getting back to Kazaa problem..I just had to set back my PC to an earlier date..I sorta forgot about this little feature which solved EVERYTHING! hrmm Win XP, just when you thought can it be anymore useful, it just shows you that it can!..now I'm gonna continue watching Sex and the City! :p
Kill Bill Vol 2...
I waited like...what?...hrmm 3 weeks for this movie to finish downloadin'..it only took me 3 seconds to delete it after I forced myself to watch it..hardly any fighting but too much talking.. I can safely say Harry Potter 3 is much better and I detested Harry Potter 3...
All for a silly movie...
Its 3.20am and what am I doing? I am listenin' to Josh Groban's - Remember Me a track from "Troy". I've been lookin' for this song for ages!!
My good friends from Cyberjaya came down and spent some time with them. One of them, Ashwin to be exact! (sorry Ash! :p ) persuaded us to go and watch "The Chronicles of Riddick". Well I heard of this particular movie, didnt realise that Vin Diesel starred in this movie. I can safely say that NONE of his movies are worth watching...hahaha and unfortunately The Chronicles of Riddick falls in the same catagory!
After rushing to watch this movie...well let's see what happened before actually watchin this movie. After happily bookin it online because its FOC hehehe...getting to Mahkota Parade (MP) proved to be a DIFFICULT TASK!!! Movie started at 7.15pm SHARP..very very rare for a movie to be aired on time in MP's GSC...anyway we were supposed to rent a car to go to MP but then the dude we were waiting for didnt turn up on time and we (ma friends and I) decided to take the taxi instead...oooh taxi "pakcik" is also another interesting story! Usually taxis from Bkt Beruang charged RM20 to go to MP, but this particularly kind taxi "pakcik" charged ONLY RM10!!
I was soo shocked that I asked Subash (who was dealing with the kind taxi "pakcik") to ask the "pakcik" again whether he heard him properly and yes it turned out that the taxi "pakcik" heard correctly so RM10 it was. Reaching MP, we were soo happy with the kind taxi "pakcik" that we asked him whether he could come to pick us up from MP after watchin the movie and send us back to Bkt Beruang...and without hesitation he agreed. We went into the cinema with HUGE SMILES on our faces, but the smiles werent there for only a few minutes. The movie was utter rubbish! One of my friend, Kishore actually manage to fall asleep!! Imagine that falling asleep when getting backrow seats at the cinema...*sigh*.
That was it, as soon as the movie ended I expressed my disspointment to AShwin (the dude who persuaded us to watch the movie) the movie was just plain drivel!!!...and that also brought up another movie-going disspointment that I experienced when I saw The Hulk! So naturally I got mad at Shankar again...(he was the one who talked me into watching it) hahah I was so confused who to get mad at so I just became happy..(how that managed to happen, I dont know). At 9.30pm, as promised the kind "pakcik" came with his taxi and we persuaded him to let our other 3 friends ride in his taxi too...at first he was shocked but we are very good at persuading *wink*
*sigh*..so thats that...conclusion: The Chronicles of Riddick turn out to be ridiculous! Futuristic version of Lord of the Rings?? my @$$!!!