
A Clubbing experience to remember~!!!

A Clubbing experience to remember~!!!

I had quite a lot of fun actually clubbing with ma hsemates~!! hehe Ash and Joey and Ravin and Shakir and Ravin and Jeff....

Imagine all of us cramped in a Kancil...sooo small!!! We were basically wondering around Melaka Raya after bein' in a state of shock because of watching IC Talent Gala 2004~! haha damn it was funny...the good type of funny and the BAD kind of funny....hahahaha no offence to all ICS members/commitee...hehehe I will stop here as i am tempted in elaborating the 2 kinds of funny hehehehe...but I am not that mean..so i will shaddap....hehe

Damn...the clubs were packed...ddduuuhh Saturday Night and somehow Pure Bar smelt like piss...which was sorta questioning how the state of the bathroom would be....

We went to ALOHA and foudn out they were playing fengtau music...ting ting ting teng tong tong ...HOOO HAAAH~! hahaa so no thanks...and then we moved on to the next possible venue...

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