
Burn’s and Sharm’s Rescue Mission

It was 10.30am and it was a humid Tuesday morning as usual Burn was still sleeping. He was woken up by Sharm another fellow rescuer asking for assistance with a problem she had ; one of the International Students who happen to be her friend, had managed to lock himself inside his room.

After consulting a few different furniture shops, asking for aid in breaking down the door to her friend’s room, her efforts were in vain, thus she woke Burn up. With that Burn grabbed his trusty hammer and headed to Sharm’s friend’s house. Upon reaching the place where the distress call was made, everything seemed gloomy. Sharm cried out for her friend and in return a voice answered her call. He was indeed locked inside his room.

We were thinking on how to break into the room, the old-credit-card-slipt-it through-the-crack-of-the-door-trick didn’t work so we asked permission from the victim to break the door knob and affirmative we got our approval and broke it with the Hantam-Saja Guna-Hammer-Trick which the furniture shop-keeper suggested to use. At that Burn slammed his mighty hammer into the door knob a few times and off it came! The victim rushed to the bathroom as soon as the door opened thanking us along the way.

All in a days work.

After that little rescue mission , Burn continued his blissful slumber.

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