

I have been doing a whole lotta sleepin lately, ever since bar list came out :p muhahah so here are some interesting facts about the all time favorite hobby!

The average person eats eight spiders in their sleep in their whole entire lifetime! - sure or not?
Every year, you eat approximately 4 bugs in your sleep. - i hope not cockroaches!!
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes. - hrmmmm this can get interesting.....
In Alaska, it is legal to shoot bears. Waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photo is a crime? - a duuuuuuuhhh! If you wake a sleeping bear, I dont think you'll be taking any pictures!
Albatrosses can sleep while they are flighing? - apparently humans can't sleep while driving, supposedly we may end up in a ditch or longkang or something....
A grizzly bear give birth while in their winter sleep? - oh DAMMMNNN! Imagine waking up to: "Mommy, I need to go peee..." "What the....where did....who...?"
Dolphins sleep with one eye open? - grandma used to do this i guess, prevented me from stealing her cookies
Lions sleeps about 19 - 20 hours a Day? - me must be a lion!! muahaha no la kidding, the most I have slept is about 17hours ... i think.....
Seals sleep only about one and a half minutes each time? - tht's not even sleep...
Ants don't sleep at all? - they are freaking EVERYWHERE, not a suprise they dont sleep....
A snail can sleep for three years? - defler moves so slow no wonder la sleeps so long...
A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation. Death will occur about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a few weeks. - crap....

There's a National Sleep Foundation also can be found here . Worth the read.


Rileen Aya said...

Ants don't sleep at all? - they are freaking EVERYWHERE, not a suprise they dont sleep....

ini amat the lawak!! XD bakar u post monkey dance pic. i swear i'll kill you. dis is a warning.

kyzn.kaze said...

yay! she meant she wants you to post it!

nyek nyek nyek nyek~

burn1984 said...

*takes right hand, places on heart*Me swears will not post up monkey dance pic*smiles*