
All in a days work...on a Saturday

All in a days work...on a Saturday

  • 11.30am :Left for KL at . Took the bus from Bkt Beruang to Melaka Sentral it took OJ and I, 1 hour!! b'cos instead of taking the direct route to Melaka sentral, the stupid bus had to go la to MITC lar, make one more turn round stupid MITC, came back to Bkt beruang then FINALLY went en route to Melaka Sentral, another hour gone.

Finally on the bus to KL.
  • 1.30 pm:Nearing KL, after the seremban toll, we started crawling on the highway. Accident on the OTHER SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY, going SOUTH, KL to Melaka. REASON: Accident: 13car pile up, 1 bus, one Petronas Oil Tanker. Why OUR SIDE was affected?B'cos it went like this:

On lookers: "EH look laa, accident, eh look look..ouiii the bus lar ...bla bla bla"

Messaging Kaze. He cant believe we are not in KL yet.
Oj was complaining cos he didnt get to sit near by the window seat, so as it was STILL crawling, swapped seats. OJ wouldnt let me go to sleep:

OJ: "Eh dont sleep lar, i got no one to talk to if you are sleeping"
Me: "Shut up laaa, i wanna sleep naa"
Oj: "eh dont la....potatoes bla bla chapati naan walla bla *asleep alrady*

Reached Time Square at
  • 4.30pm. Bloody Hell. Waited at STARBUCKS, having this wierd new frappucino pumpkin something or rather, for another 30mins for the dude tht was selling OJ his new handphone. Cool new phone, now back to Melaka.
  • 6.30pm : On the bus to Melaka. Then the bestest bus ride is about to begin. Somewhere along NILAI, the horror journey began to unfold. The bus came to a stand still. Then it rained. Guess what? its the SAME FREAKING traffic jam caused by the accident happened earlier on during the day!! PLUS efficiency at its best: 4 hours after the accident cars still on the highway.
  • 8.30pm: OJ complained that he cant sleep. I continued sleeping.
  • 10.30pm: OJ asleep. Its still raining. I am awake. Still on the highway. DOnt know what to do.
  • 11.30pm: Reached Melaka Sentral. No town bus available to Bear Hill. Took a taxi.

What an awesome saturday, mostly spent sleeping in the bus.


Rileen Aya said...

omg. dat day i was just asking my friend sarcastically. which retard wud try out dat pumpkin frap. hahahaa... now i noee.... :P

kyzn.kaze said...

it taste nice for me!

so i'm a retard?

lol. whatever. =P

burn1984 said...

sedap laaa u!!! the lady at the counter was ever so sweet and convincing!! so apa lagi = TRY!