
ohhh man I am sooo angry with the stupid Majlis Bandaraya PJ!!!! FIRST i kena saman RM100!!! for parking illegally....where got! i have been parking there for a month now, and there is no sign saying "No Parking" no yellow line also. Haaaaaaaiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhh
hhhhhhhhh. AND TO TOP IT OFF, someone DENTED MY CAR!!!! aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhh what bad luck!!!! I hope that guy/girl/lady/makcik/pakcik/bangla/indon etc crashes into a tree/longkang or something along those lines. I only realised when I came back and showed K.Nipah my saman then she wanted to see where I parked, as getting out of the driveway i just pandang my car and saw the dent! i am just so furious!!!

what the helll

*readreallyfast*and relevant pictures will come later.

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