
Club Registration Week...

I don't think that I have ever been this tired since Miss MMU 2005, real hardwork, and thats ONLY CLUB REGISTRAION WEEK!!

I am starting to sound like a broken tape recorder, repeating the same promotion phrase to every tom, dick, harry, molly, lucy and lulu out there. Slowly developing a sore throat which enchances my broken tape recorder status, with pauses in between to clear my throat. I went to a meeting last night, I was 20mins late, everyone was there...suprise suprise..and I was so sleepy that I didnt realise that I had my shirt on inside out *zZzZzZz*

Sigh, and the weather wasnt helping either,Oj and I were the data entry speacialist, keying in the new members into the excel spreadsheet. We didnt have our normal recruiting magnets so it was sorta slow, but picking up never the less.

2 more days to go till the end of registration and the beginning of the Recovering Through Music promotion.

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