
Food Bazaar....

Last SPARCFEST food bazaar, i helped out with Waffles...but NEVER AGAIN...oh hell no... and this time, Delifrance booth....waffles was more tiring. Delifrance week went like so:

  • 9.15am: Go to Jusco, pick up fresh pastries. While waiting, got a free cup of coffee...heh heh
  • 10.00am: Finally all loaded in the mighty SPARC Volkswagen Van, which smelt like a bakery...mmmmm...
  • 10.15am: Arrive at Mosque Square, a ton of SPARC committe came and helped unload all pastries...mmmmm...
  • 5.00pm: Sold out all pastries or selling off pastries at a steal of a price...must sell all pastries off!!
  • 6.30pm: Go to Delifrance settle bill for daily supply of pastries.

I would do this again.....i THINK...depends on certain circumstances i guess....juniors were a great help, esp with the mobile direct selling, door to door Delifrance direct selling lol


Outdoor Pee-ing......

Its 6.47am and I was browsing through www.youtube.com and I came across this video:

Embarassing much??!!

Club Registration Week...

I don't think that I have ever been this tired since Miss MMU 2005, real hardwork, and thats ONLY CLUB REGISTRAION WEEK!!

I am starting to sound like a broken tape recorder, repeating the same promotion phrase to every tom, dick, harry, molly, lucy and lulu out there. Slowly developing a sore throat which enchances my broken tape recorder status, with pauses in between to clear my throat. I went to a meeting last night, I was 20mins late, everyone was there...suprise suprise..and I was so sleepy that I didnt realise that I had my shirt on inside out *zZzZzZz*

Sigh, and the weather wasnt helping either,Oj and I were the data entry speacialist, keying in the new members into the excel spreadsheet. We didnt have our normal recruiting magnets so it was sorta slow, but picking up never the less.

2 more days to go till the end of registration and the beginning of the Recovering Through Music promotion.


Coffee Cups.....

A group of alumni, highly established in their
careers, got together to visit their old university
lecturer. Conversation soon turned into complaints
about stress in work and life. Offering his guests
coffee, the lecturer went to the kitchen and returned
with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups:
porcelain, plastic, glass, some plain-looking and some
expensive and exquisite, telling them to help
themselves to hot coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the
lecturer said: "If you noticed, all the nice-looking,
expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain
and cheap ones.

"While it is but normal for you to want only the best
for yourselves, that is the source of your problems
and stress".

What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup,
but you consciously went for the better cups and are
eyeing each other's cups." "Now, if Life is coffee,
then the jobs, money and position in society are the
cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life,
but the quality of Life doesn't change."

Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail
to enjoy the coffee in it." So don't let the cups
drive you...enjoy the coffee instead.

OH MAN!!!1 SOOO FUNNNYY!!! Worth the Loading TIME!!

Oh man...seriously one of the best pranks ever! and it had to be, none other than the Japanese :D