

Dear blog,

The LRT is really getting to me. Every morning I wake up early not to get to work early but to get a decent summon-free parking spot and when I do, someone idiot inconsiderate driver, just has to block me in, double parking and what not. Had to wait 1hour+ for the idiot to move his car.

When he finally came, I just said out loud "Motherfu*ker" and I know he heard me cos he looked at me, I didnt even look away. Damn I am so bitchy lol....

Other than the Morning Race for Parking, the LRT ride is a very challenging experience for my Nose. I have a big Nose and it works pretty well LOL and on the LRT I bumped into people who doesn't know the existence of DEODORANT!!!! Some are just plain rude, step on your shoes, without even a sorry, one fucking aunty hustled past me, at the same time, ripping my watch strip apart (this was sometime back actually, but worth a mention).

So....I have adopted a stone cold attitude while on the LRT. Never give anyone a chance. Except for the blind, pregnant ladies and all that fit those categories. There was this uncle, sweating like a pig, just pushed right in front of me, I just "kindly" used my size lol and just pushed him back, pretending that the LRT did it heheh.

Yesterday there was this Chinese guy started coughing like mad and he didn't even cover his mouth, I just stared at him and he stared back. I just shook my head in disgust. He saw me shaking my head at him then he smiled!WTF? Funny is it and just continued with my disgusted look on his face, finally he got it.

1 comment:

yvonne lee said...

haha. wait till you try KTM... i think this is why people prematurely age...