
Life stands still....

...without Internet, call me sad if you like, I don't give a rats ass. It has been 13 days our Internet Connection hasnt been working....and counting. Our phone line got disconnected, hence no Internet Connection. Need to transfer StreamyX to our new line....sigh...

but without Internet connection, apparently to Shakir and Bob and Desmond, I have turned into a traitor by packing up my laptop and shipping off to OJ's place to use his internet connection. Nothing is stopping them from packing up their desktop computers and hauling it 7 houses down the road to use his connection?

Now we finally see the use of all those burnt out TV Series that people use to burn. When the Internet Connection is not working, watch those Tv Series. :)

It is 3.27am, I have a dentists appointment at 8.30am and I am still not asleep. Watching the french movie "Amelie". Its about a pretty lady who lives the simplest of lives but enjoys the simplest things that life gives us. Really makes us appreciate what we usually take for granted. A "feel good" movie, you can't help but smile while watching it. It is 3.30am...still no Internet Connection.

NB: I am typing this at home, after this, later on today I am going to OJ's house, log into Blogspot and post this as my blog entry. :)

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"

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