oh the horror.....
Woke up shakir, used his phone to call my phone, it rang twice then engaged.....hrmmmmm...something not right here. Tried again. Engaged. Shakir said check ur wallet for money missing, well what do you know, RM400 MISSING. Oh shit. SPARC's money missing, that was supposed to go to the winners of the dance category of the concert. oh mannnnn. My phone was an O2 Xphone 2.
Made a police report. Assigned an Inspector to come to our house. Just as luck had it, earlier shakir sms'd my phone: "Give back phone, will give u money". Suprisingly enough, the guy CALLED and said his younger brother bought it from school for RM350. YEAH talk abt BULLSHIT. He says he will give back my phone, if I pay him back his RM350. You gotta be kidding me rite?? Pay YOU to get MY PHONE BACK? Police said meet up with him, then they will suprise the guy and interrogate him. The guy didnt turn up. My darling phone is gone forever.........oh yeah SPARC's money too, which I have to pay back. :~(
I have been doing a whole lotta sleepin lately, ever since bar list came out :p muhahah so here are some interesting facts about the all time favorite hobby!
The average person eats eight spiders in their sleep in their whole entire lifetime! - sure or not?
Every year, you eat approximately 4 bugs in your sleep. - i hope not cockroaches!!
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes. - hrmmmm this can get interesting.....
In Alaska, it is legal to shoot bears. Waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photo is a crime? - a duuuuuuuhhh! If you wake a sleeping bear, I dont think you'll be taking any pictures!
Albatrosses can sleep while they are flighing? - apparently humans can't sleep while driving, supposedly we may end up in a ditch or longkang or something....
A grizzly bear give birth while in their winter sleep? - oh DAMMMNNN! Imagine waking up to: "Mommy, I need to go peee..." "What the....where did....who...?"
Dolphins sleep with one eye open? - grandma used to do this i guess, prevented me from stealing her cookies
Lions sleeps about 19 - 20 hours a Day? - me must be a lion!! muahaha no la kidding, the most I have slept is about 17hours ... i think.....
Seals sleep only about one and a half minutes each time? - tht's not even sleep...
Ants don't sleep at all? - they are freaking EVERYWHERE, not a suprise they dont sleep....
A snail can sleep for three years? - defler moves so slow no wonder la sleeps so long...
A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation. Death will occur about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a few weeks. - crap....
There's a National Sleep Foundation also can be found here . Worth the read.
All in a days work...on a Saturday
- 11.30am :Left for KL at . Took the bus from Bkt Beruang to Melaka Sentral it took OJ and I, 1 hour!! b'cos instead of taking the direct route to Melaka sentral, the stupid bus had to go la to MITC lar, make one more turn round stupid MITC, came back to Bkt beruang then FINALLY went en route to Melaka Sentral, another hour gone.
Finally on the bus to KL.
- 1.30 pm:Nearing KL, after the seremban toll, we started crawling on the highway. Accident on the OTHER SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY, going SOUTH, KL to Melaka. REASON: Accident: 13car pile up, 1 bus, one Petronas Oil Tanker. Why OUR SIDE was affected?B'cos it went like this:
On lookers: "EH look laa, accident, eh look look..ouiii the bus lar ...bla bla bla"
Messaging Kaze. He cant believe we are not in KL yet.
Oj was complaining cos he didnt get to sit near by the window seat, so as it was STILL crawling, swapped seats. OJ wouldnt let me go to sleep:
OJ: "Eh dont sleep lar, i got no one to talk to if you are sleeping"
Me: "Shut up laaa, i wanna sleep naa"
Oj: "eh dont la....potatoes bla bla chapati naan walla bla *asleep alrady*
Reached Time Square at
- 4.30pm. Bloody Hell. Waited at STARBUCKS, having this wierd new frappucino pumpkin something or rather, for another 30mins for the dude tht was selling OJ his new handphone. Cool new phone, now back to Melaka.
- 6.30pm : On the bus to Melaka. Then the bestest bus ride is about to begin. Somewhere along NILAI, the horror journey began to unfold. The bus came to a stand still. Then it rained. Guess what? its the SAME FREAKING traffic jam caused by the accident happened earlier on during the day!! PLUS efficiency at its best: 4 hours after the accident cars still on the highway.
- 8.30pm: OJ complained that he cant sleep. I continued sleeping.
- 10.30pm: OJ asleep. Its still raining. I am awake. Still on the highway. DOnt know what to do.
- 11.30pm: Reached Melaka Sentral. No town bus available to Bear Hill. Took a taxi.
What an awesome saturday, mostly spent sleeping in the bus.
Finally Anti Smoking Concert is over....
Thank god the event went pretty smooth except for the minor glitch at the end of the show..(Thank GOD it was at the END...) Too Phat was just awesome and really made the crowd come alive!! All participants were very entertaining!! it all went as planned...*big grin* To all that was NEGATIVE towards this event, you can blow it out your @$$ because we made into THE STAR:METRO Section with a Full Colour Centerfold. Online version can also be found here.
Need to have a small celebration.....sooon :)