Hari Raya Haji...It was as if I walked right into a nightmare.
Oh my god....you can call me an idiot or a bastard or a selfish ass, but I still stand by my opinion, the Hari Raya "Celebration" I had was a total mess and talk about a waste of time. And the amount of kids was just terrifying, all grabbing my arm and legs, wanting to so play with me. Damn it was irritating, I know its a "family" occasion and all, but then there were too many family members especially the little ones. Half the kids were spoilt rotten and were unbelievably irritating. When we arrived in Bangi around 8am, I went for prayers at this small hut which was sooo small and I was literally scratching my head and asking myself where was I to pray? My uncle, on my mother's side, brought me to this place thinking that it would interest me and I can honestly say, I wasnt the least bit excited.
After prayers, we went to a Kenduri Hari Raya Haji at my aunt's place. Well this time it was sort of interesting. I ate a lot and drank a few gallons of juice, half the time I didnt know what cake I was eating. All i knew that it tasted good...nggaaammmmmmm yummmmyyy!! hehe
I went outside thinking that I can sit down and drink peacefully with my uncles near the gazebo, but no, the Rats followed me too. One of my uncles was smoking a cigarette and was disturbed by a fellar Rat cousin.
Rats age: Between 5-7 years old.
Rat 1: Mamu (Uncle in Hindi), please lar!! Let me have a smoke! Please!!!!!!!
Mamu: Eh go away lar! Burn, panggil Mak Die (Rats 1's mother, Die = dia)
Rat 2: voluntarily shouted: MAK DIE!!! OOO MAK DIE! I panggil Papa die pon boleh?
Hahah that was soo funny, my uncle couldnt stop laughing...
As I was trying to seek refuge at my aunt's house, by going up to the 2nd floor looking for an air conditioned room. When I found it, it was heaven. Air Cond on full blast and the bed was soo comfortable. I think I managed to get like 5 minutes of sleep before I was again irritated by an army of sugar high rats. Now the blissful room is full of screaming, sticky and somewhat smelly over-grown rats who I regretfully call my cousins. They were screaming their lungs out cos someone was in the bathroom and cannot get out because the rats were holding the toilet door shut. I pretended to be asleep and they realised that I was 'asleep' so they decided to disturb me. One was playing with my hair and the other was chewing on my sleeve. huhuhuhu..why can't they just leave me alone. Finally they god bored cos I wasnt responding and left the room..(THANK GOD). After sleeping like a stuffed pig filled with Nasi Briyanni Kambing and dunno how many types of cakes, I decided that it was time for me to wake up and minggle a bit. Half way out the room, I realised that the rats were waiting to ambush me. The little rats's whispers went as follows:
Rat 1: ssshhh he is coming. I can hear him..
Rat 2: NO! I can hear him. He is in the bathroom.
Rat 3: I think he went downstairs already la..
Rat 1: No lar!! he is in the room lar you rat....
At this time, i decided to play along, so I acted sleepy and went out of the room, which made them scream and Rat 3 slipped and fell down the stairs. It was quite horrifying cos the flight of stairs had like 15 steps to it. You know like in the movies, when someone falls down the stairs. Shit I thought the fellar died or something and I rushed down to see him, he was in shock, didnt know what happened to him, and then his facial expression changed, and started to scream his lungs out in pain and I actually covered my ears. The mom(aunt) was busy entertaining people and I took the little injured rat to my other aunt and the little rat kena scolding HAHAH it was soo funnny. ALL the other rats were laughing too. "Hehehehehe he fell down the stairs and crying...such a baby." SLLLAAAAAPPPPP. The other laughing rats kena slapped by my aunt who was attending to my injured rat cousin. Now there are 3 injured, screaming and crying rats. All were screaming, "Why did you slap me? I didnt do it! i DIDNT!! He fell down by himself. I really didnt lar Khala..(Khala = Aunt in Hindi)" Now I was laughing and running out of the room before I kena slap. Then on Rat 3, I could see all the bruises appearing across his face and arms. After settling down and no longer crying, he was being interrogated by his mom, the one that was busy entertaining people "What happened? Painful or not? Who pushed you". Answer was as follows: "Abang Burn pushed me, actually not painful and I fell down from the balcony". WHACK. Kena again. All the answers were lies. All the other rats were screaming "NO! Abang Burn didnt push him!! LIAR! and he was crying lar Khala...sure painful!! and it was the stairs!! the big one!!"
I was about to defend myself, but the other rats did it for me.heheheh. I couldnt sleep that night as it was soooo damn hot and I finished watching Astro already cos they started to repeat the programmes again. Sigh, I was sooo happy when I reached Melaka, the nightmare had ended. No more rats jumping and screaming. I promised myself, never again sleep over in Bangi again cos in Bangi is where all the Rats are staying. You can call me heartless or whatever you want, I dont want to see the rats again if I can help it.
After Miss SPARC work is all done. I don't know what to do...cos usually around this time, I would be doing atleast 3-4 things but now...I am looking for things to do. *sigh* sooo bored. But on the day of the event..wwwoooooowwww the workload like trippled man. So much for being prepared especially for the music being played. The playlist changes almost every hour..even I didnt know what was going on till the very last minute.
I learnt quite a lot about people during this event, especially about those whose closets are full of skeletons. Their true colours are reallly bright man.
I had to deal with idiots during this event, not that I am saying I am a pro or anything, esp one idiot called Mr Tan from VIVO Lighting and Sound. Damn man, if i had lost my temper on that day, whoa defler sure kena dee. He kept on saying that how I am soo unprofessional , i did tell him that I dont have that much experience and he should guide me, oooh no..he resorted to belittling me. Which in return I resorted to sarcasm which he really didnt like.
Another idiot who was getting on my nerves was Malaysian Idol Vic's Manager, some botak jack ass, who didnt want to corperate at all. Shit lar...i wanted only the stupid songs, no the fellar didnt want to give me, couldnt trust me..my foot lar, wasted our RM3000 only...when the blur idiot Vic sang, it turned out to be an extremely expensive TOILET BREAK, cos everyone just started piling out the door to go to the toilet.*sigh* society money down the drain.
Time to blog again....
Whoa....finally, MISS SPARC MMU 2005 is over~! EXCELLENT event, to those who missed it and come and ask how it was, well sorry lar I malas wanna tell you~! well maybe lar I will write about Miss SPARC MMU 2005..hehe... Now it is time to get my life back in order...clean up and all that jazz..*sigh* dunno where to start....
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